The Transfiguration of the Christ Abbey (Assini)

Μονή Μεταμόρφωσης Σωτήρος, Ασίνη

Next to a three-floor dilapidated tower, on the south of the region of Assini, lies the “Katholikon” of the Abbey. Almost all of the adjoining buildings alongside the tower have been torn down, manifesting a landscape of desertion. The outpost itself assumes great importance, during the reign of the Venetians, since from its top the cove of “Karathona” is clearly seen.

The sanctuary is built 90cm above ground, reclining level, so the visitor will have to climb up 6 (six) steps to enter the Abbey.

The interior of the temple is possibly frescoed during the meta-Byzantine period, despite the coating on parts of the walls.

The dedicatory sign mentions that the sanctuary was mural-painted in 1570, so it can be deduced that the Abbey must have operated prior to that date.

Μονή Μεταμόρφωσης Σωτήρος, Ασίνη

The monastery has kept on performing its liturgical services till 1834, with two monks residing there. Currently, the Abbey is a private one, but still visitable.

Μονή Μεταμόρφωσης Σωτήρος, Ασίνη
Μονή Μεταμόρφωσης Σωτήρος, Ασίνη
Μονή Μεταμόρφωσης Σωτήρος, Ασίνη

Geographical Coordinates

The Transfiguration of the Christ Abbey (Assini), Asini